What’s happening
Post-Covid UK recovery is sending growth to the regions
Smith & Williamson MPS makes growth move with additions of Monks Investment Trust and L&G UK 100 Index
Tilney Sustainable MPS adds JPM Global Macro Sustainable and The Renewables Infrastructure Group to diversify risk
Foster Denovo pilots new initiative to further embed sustainability across its business
AXA IM launches onshore Clean Economy fund for UK investors
Renewity announces strategic partnership with Energex Partners
HS Admin master trust arm surpasses £1bn mark
Forward Look: Silly Season, nudge becomes shove, and Freedom Day finances
In the August issue of Forward Look from MRM and Capital City Media, Edmund Greaves looks at the joys of…Really looking forward to a proper silly season this year

UK pension schemes must act now on climate – before it is too late, says AXA IM
Goodbye Nudge, hello Shove