Get to know MRM’s 2023 Work Experience students

MRM have two work experience students with us for a 6 week programme until the 29th March. On their first day, they answered a few questions to let us get to know them a little more and what they hope to get out of their time with us.
1. Tell us a little about yourself?
Lema – My name is Lema. I study double business and digital publishing at Logic Studio School. I am very into business, mainly towards marketing. I have a job in New Look as a sales advisor on the weekends and Thursday. I enjoy spending time with family and shopping.
Remi – I am originally from Poland , I moved to England at the age of 8. My favourite subject in school is business , and my hobbies include playing video games and going to the gym.
2. Why did you choose to do your work experience here at MRM?
Lema – I am into business and I wanted to experience the financial services route to have a clear understanding of what it is.
Remi – I chose to do work experience with MRM as I’m interested in learning more about managing PR for companies and how networking within business works.
3. What would you like to take away from your time here at MRM?
Lema – An understanding/knowledge of financial services.
Remi – After my work experience, I would like to take away a better understanding of how PR works and how to manage it.
4) What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?
Lema – I am proud that I have a job that I enjoy as I have been trying to find one for a long time. Also passing my maths exam, as it was a subject I struggled with.
Remi – I think that my biggest accomplishment is consistently going to the gym to improve my physical and mental health.
5) Do you think it’s important for young people to learn about the importance of money and if so, why?
Lema – Yes! It is very important to learn to save your money, as it will help you in the future – such as a personal matter or if you are aiming for something (house). It’s important to learn not to spend all your money at once as it will benefit you in the future.
Remi – I think it is very important for young people to learn about the importance of money as it helps them manage their finances and get a better start in the future.
6) What do you think financial services PR is?
Lema – I think FS PR is to send a specific message to your target audience.
Remi – I think financial services PR is helping companies get their message across to their target audience.