How are all the lockdown pets getting on?

Two years on, I’d love to know how everyone’s lockdown pets are getting on?
We’ve got a really important calendar date coming up this month. Yes, that’s right, its National Pet Day on 11 April!
Which, I feel, is a good moment to reflect on those heady days of two years ago when the nation was sent into its first ever ‘lockdown’ as the coronavirus spread around the world.
My partner and I were one of those who decided we needed a dog to get us through that time in our lives. We even found a darling little Jackapoo puppy online, and placed a (thankfully refundable) deposit for him.
Notwithstanding the fact that we lived in a tiny flat in South London with no garden, our landlord denied our request to get a pet (fair enough really, in hindsight). So, we didn’t join the ranks of lockdown dog owners, which was probably for the best.
Prices soared, although I am reliably informed that they have now come back to earth somewhat. The RSPCA issued various warnings about buying one on a whim, although there doesn’t seem to be much evidence that people have started giving up en masse.
So, for National Pet Day this year, I’d like to celebrate all those lockdown pooches, moggies and thumpers acquired. And here’s hoping they bring many more years of joy and comfort.
If you got a pet during lockdown, I’d love to hear from you, and would be happy to publish in this column’s next edition. Please get in touch at
In terms of what’s coming up in April, it’s fairly run of the mill after a very eventful March. We’ve got the new energy price cap coming in on 1 April. On the same day is the introduction of the plastic packaging tax, and of course, April Fool’s Day.
On 2 April is the beginning of Ramadan and 5 April is the last day of the 2021/22 tax year. The following day, 6 April, the pension scheme flat fee threshold comes into effect.
In economic releases, we’ve got US inflation figures on 12 April, with the UK the next day on 13 April. Thankfully there’s no Bank of England MPC meeting in April, so rates won’t be moving at least for a short while longer.
Finally, on 10 April is the French Presidential election first round, with the second-round run-off (if it’s required) set to go ahead on 24 April.
All the best from everyone here at MRM, Mouthy Money and Capital City Media.