MRM Summer Intern Two Mins With…Yash Raveendra

Two minutes with…Yash Raveendra. This summer MRM digitally hosted a variety of paid interns. Yash tells us about her hopes for a career in journalism, what she wanted to achieve in the internship and what she’d do with £10,000
- Tell us about yourself. What are you studying at university?
I moved to England from Singapore three years ago in hopes of pursuing a passion in journalism and communications and haven’t regretted any of it! I am currently studying for an MSc in Media and Communications at LSE and hope it opens more doors for me in this career field.
- What was it that interested you about the MRM internship? What did you hope to gain from the experience? How did you find working remotely?
What attracted me to MRM was the experience and contacts I would gain from the internship. I have had the chance to revisit my knowledge on business and finance – having learned during my diploma back in Singapore. I knew of communications in the financial services but didn’t know what it truly entailed so the prospect of joining a company which focused on it was exciting.
A remote internship seemed very daunting – I found myself very confused over the usual norms like going for lunch. However, I was soon reassured and comforted thanks to my intern ‘buddy’ and my other fellow interns. My first week was packed with personal introductions, team meetings and overall loads of great communication which put me at ease.
- What positives on a personal level have you taken from the internship?
One massive positive for me is the contacts I have made during this internship. I am very thankful for the chance to revisit my financial knowledge and get an insight on financial communications. I was also given the opportunity to partake in a client project and work on areas that I was extremely interested in such as Mouthy Money.
- What financial tip or fact have you learned during your internship?
Investing your money is definitely much wiser than letting it sit around!
- What did you find most surprising about financial services during your time at MRM?
That everything I knew about this field was just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to financial services.
- What is one tool/gadget/app you can’t do without for working/studying?
My laptop, without a doubt! The only gadget of mine which allows me to do everything I need and I definitely can’t survive without it!
- What three things would you do if you were Prime Minister for the day?
Have another referendum on Brexit with all my effort focused on campaigning to remain.
Redistribute money and invest into the NHS, care worker sector and the hospitality industry.
Cut university fees – especially for international students who currently pay twice the amount!
- What is the one column or website that you read every day?
I browse through the BBC News app every morning followed by The Guardian. I then move on to The Straits Times to get my fill of the local news in Singapore.
- What would you do if you received a windfall of £10,000?
That would be a dream come true because like every other student, I’d pay off all my student debt!