News from MRM
We have always operated at the more flexible end of the market when it comes to working remotely and from home but following additional testing and scenario planning we have decided to move to a work remotely policy wherever possible with immediate effect.
The nature of our work means there will be little to no disruption in what we do or how we do it. Phone calls will be made, plans and documents will be produced, articles will be written, emails will be sent and space will be bought and booked. The only big change – other than the laughs when we are all together in the same room – will be that all meetings will move to phone and video conferencing.
While this may not be so disruptive for us and our clients, our thoughts and feelings go out to the people and businesses in our local community who have much less flexibility than us and rely partly on us in some way to thrive, and in some cases just survive.
In a typical week the teams at MRM and CCM come into contact with hundreds of them in the Embankment area we work and hang out in.
They include the baristas serving up first coffees of the day, the busker playing his violin and giving out smiles on Golden Jubilee Bridge, the team selling flowers at Embankment station, the staff at The Theodore Bullfrog, the cleaners who look after our building, the taxi drivers on The Strand and Embankment, the street artists in and around Covent Garden market, the wide range of gym staff the team rely on to stay fit and healthy, the homeless people who have carved out a community near Charing Cross Police Station, the RSA, and the many more who make our lives around the area both a pleasure and a privilege.
We hope they will come through these strange times and we look forward to supporting them again.
Andrew and everyone at MRM and CCM