Santa, baby, leave a sable under the tree for me…and then leave my house immediately!
There is, unsurprisingly, a Christmas bent to the last Friday links blog of 2010, or indeed a bent Christmas if these inappropriate Santas are anything to go by. Either way, we bring it to you with a ho ho ho and a merry old jingle of a sleigh bell, as well as a few sore heads, coming, as it does, the day after the MRM Christmas do, ahem.
So without further ado, we give you a tale of two Christmas trees – one paper, one bejeweled to the tune of $11m – the chance to create your own evil santa, an interactive advent news calendar and something nothing to do with the festive season but just a rather beautiful visual mapping user connections on Facebook.
A cracking hoard of Christmas goodies by anyone’s standards. Enjoy!