MRM Summer internship 2020: Two mins with…Dana Raer

We get the lowdown on intern life at MRM from one of our summer interns, Dana Raer, who is currently studying for her degree in journalism at the University of Sheffield.
Tell us about yourself. What are you studying at university?
I am an optimistic and ambitious third year journalism student at the University of Sheffield. I moved to the UK two years ago by myself, a huge step for any 19-year-old to take, with the hopes of enriching my cultural horizons and becoming more independent.
What was it that interested you about the MRM internship? What did you hope to gain from the experience? How did you find working remotely?
What attracted me to this internship was the prospect of learning more about business and the economy in the UK.
By creating opportunities for interns to work digitally without any significant disruption, MRM has shown how important it is for a company to be adaptable and resilient during these uncertain times.
I have felt at absolutely no disadvantage working in a digital internship instead of being face-to-face with the team. That is mainly down to my ‘buddy’ who arranges meetings for me with almost everyone from the company, and who always replies to every inquiry I have.
I have had the opportunity to take part in workshops, presentations, client meetings as well as amazing weekly sessions with interesting people.
What positives on a personal level have you taken from the internship?
I have learned how important it is to be involved in every meeting and ask questions. Even if it seems trivial in the beginning, if you voice an opinion or a thought it won’t go unnoticed.
This internship helped me understand the importance of speaking up, sharing news and opinions and building relationships with others.
What financial tip or fact have you learned during your internship?
I have learned to be more persevering when asking for refunds for airplane tickets (constructive advice from Mouthy Money’s Paul Beadle!).
What did you find most surprising about financial services during your time at MRM?
Financial services have their own language, to understand it you need to learn it.
What is one tool/gadget/app you can’t do without for working/studying?
I cannot do without my laptop, a simple HP that can withstand the memory consuming programs that I use for my journalistic endeavours (the Adobe suite specifically). Nothing can be done without the help of a clever gadget.
What three things would you do if you were Prime Minister for the day?
- Stop Brexit/ have another referendum.
- Invest in the NHS, better salaries for NHS workers.
- I would not reopen schools in September.
What is the one column or website that you read every day?
Every single morning, I sit down with a cup of coffee and read BBC News or The Independent website. Occasionally, I also inspect the Financial Times website.
What would you do if you received a windfall of £10,000?
I would, without a doubt, invest it in my education.