Two minutes with… Annabel Dunstan, founder & CEO, Question & Retain

Please tell us a little bit about Question & Retain and what you do
We help organisations understand their employees or their clients better. We gather data that delivers actionable insight very quickly. Then we crack the whip to get our clients to do something with it.
Typically, we work with senior leaders wishing to measure and manage employee experience, client satisfaction or membership retention. Our Pulse Check can be used to ask any audience, any question, on any topic, at any time – it’s a blank canvas really.
Why do you do what you do and what excites you about your work?
It’s a very humbling position to occupy because I am given licence to listen to people and to try to better understand what’s working well and what’s not. So, in some sense, it is like business therapy. It helps people to have better conversations with their employees, clients or members, which is really rewarding. I’ve become interested in mental fitness and so helping leaders to listen better is a key part of building a healthier and sustainable work force.
I’m lucky that I get to work across loads of different kinds of businesses from sustainability and education to cars and food and drink. It means things never get boring.
What one skill do you think those working in financial services would be well advised to cultivate/develop?
Knowing what your purpose is. Why do you and everyone else in your organisation get out of bed each day? How does it help other people and make their lives better? The single skill is building a culture around that purpose. No mean feat!
If you could give one piece of finance advice to your teenage self, what would it be?
Do what you love and love what you do. The money will follow.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
I love all that technology has given us except it seems to stop people actually talking to one other. Have you noticed for example how many people are on devices when walking down the street or on the tube? Of course, it’s great to be connected, but I’d love it if people would talk face-to-face more and perhaps dial down their screen time.
What do you do outside of work?
I love open water swimming. It’s a great balance of physical effort with a healthy dose of mindfulness and in some cases sheer bloody mindedness to go the full distance! Completing the Dart10k river swim in September this year was a euphoric moment for sure.
What is the one column or website you read every day?
I have such a Gemini butterfly mind and literally sponge information from everywhere. But if I had to name a few, then I’d say the BBC, Channel 4 News, Guardian Travel section and consumer TED Talks by the dozen.
What would you do if you received a £10,000 windfall?
I would use it to fund a tech platform that serves a social purpose. Watch this space!