Two minutes with… Darren Ryan

Darren Ryan, Group Media/Creative Director at 3Gem Media Group talks turkey on broadcast media to MRM and gives his insights on how he works to gain clients valuable airtime across radio, television and latterly, podcasts.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m passionate about all things broadcast. I’ve worked in the broadcast/broadcast PR sector for over 16 years, setting up content and video divisions within broadcast agencies along the way. My clients over the years have tended to be in the travel and finance sector.
I pulled off the first ever outside broadcast (back-to-back radio interviews) LIVE from the first flight over to Langkawi in 2003. I was a radio DJ many, many years ago a pirate radio station in London.
Outside of my day job I’m also Vice Chairman of the PRCA’s Travel & Tourism Group.
When/why did you set up the broadcast division at 3Gem?
I started at 3Gem Media Group four months ago. I knew the MD at 3Gem very well, having worked at the same agency around six years ago. I knew how respected they already were for delivering great market research and surveys, however, I could see they were missing a trick by not offering their clients a more integrated offering.
At a time when the broadcast and PR landscape is changing, I suggested 3Gem should create a complimentary broadcast division to offer new and existing clients, video, broadcast days, podcasts etc and in turn provide more creative input in to the way clients structure surveys/questions to ensure maximum media exposure.
So, here I am four months on heading up this new and exciting division.
What are the key considerations/three things to bear in mind for broadcast media/radio days?
- Good ‘interesting’ research
- Relevant independent spokesperson
- Good story
- Good agency to sell in 🙂
If you could give one piece of financial advice to a teenage version of yourself, what would it be?
Plan early. At a time when the last thing on a teenager’s mind is to save for the future, my recommendation would be set up a direct debit to transfer the ‘MINIMUM’ you can afford each month (it soon adds up) to a financial plan such as a pension or ISA. I took out a personal pension at 20!
Now, tell us a little about your life outside of work, do you have any hobbies?
I’m currently working on a TV documentary concept that all being well will be aired in the Autumn.
What is the one column or website that you read every day?
PR Newswires.
What would you do if you received a windfall of £10,000?
Pay off a few debts and book a holiday.