What’s happening
Two minutes with… Ian Lowes, managing director at Lowes Financial Management

Emerging Markets poised for ‘quadruple whammy’ to lift them out of doldrums
Finding the one this Valentine’s Day could be easier for the Welsh while Londoners may have to wait to find their perfect match
Rubbing shoulders with the big boys – Can small schemes ever invest like their multi-billion pound peers?
HANetf completes second oversubscribed funding round
Redington strengthens Investment Consulting team with appointment of Carolyn Schuster-Woldan from LCP

Investors should beware leveraged loan ETFs as rainy days return, warns Kames Capital
Shawbrook Bank provides £2.2m to Glasgow based business specialising in supply chain management solutions
New wealth gap emerges as lower earners half as likely to invest than those in top managerial positions
Lowes Structured Products Annual Performance Review 2019